Monday, February 1, 2010

Almost 38 Weeks

We had our big doctor's visit today. They did another ultrasound with her measurements and she is still measuring in the 17th percentile. This is good because at least her growth is consistent. She just seems to be a small baby. Based on the ultrasound, she is slightly over 6 pounds now which is about what Sammy weighed at birth. Everything else looked good too...placenta, cord blood flow, amniotic fluid, etc. The non-stress test was also reactive which is what we want to see too. Still no additional progression as far as my body goes...I'm hoping that the medications for the preterm labor were not so effective that she decides to stay in forever. :)
Here are some pictures from today's ultrasound...

Lillian's face

Her 7.74 cm or 3 inch foot

The fist that she keeps punching me in the side with

Another picture of her face

Her toes

Her face again

I can't believe I am 38 weeks. This pregnancy (even through the bedrest) has really flown by. It doesn't seem like I should be about to deliver any day now. I know that I shouldn't complain, but when I see all of the other ladies who are about to deliver and look at me, I honestly don't know where my baby is. While you can tell that I am pregnant, I still do not look anywhere near as pregnant as I think I should for how far along I am. I still have a belly button and I haven't gained any new stretch marks. I hope that this is a blessing and will make getting back into pre-pregnancy shape a little bit easier. I need to take some more pictures...haven't really taken any profile shots since the whole pre-term labor thing.

I guess that's about it. On a totally unrelated note, we did get about 5 inches of snow from last week's weather system. Sammy is still out of school (why, I don't know...the roads aren't that bad). Fortunately, I did not go into labor during that as the roads were in really bad shape up here for a few days. I am hoping that we don't get any bad weather from the storm system that they say is coming through this weekend. I'm ready for spring!

Here are a few pictures from the snow..

Snow on our fence

Side yard taken from front porch


Driveway was a sheet of ice

Ice anyone?

Snow on the little table out back

Sammy and his snowblob I mean snowball

The field with hay and the lake in the background

Lake from the back yard